Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Cause and Effect Essay

Choose from any of the writing prompts on page 380 of your text and explore the ideas in a cause and effect essay. I recommend questions 4 or 6, as they can be accomplished without extensive reseach and rely on information you should be able to supply with observation and your own experience.

Please keep in mind the advice on page 328 about developing a thesis specific for cause and effect essays.

4- How do you account for the popularity of one of the following: email, blogs, hip-hop, video games, home schooling, reality TV, fast food, or sensationalist tabloids. Write an esay considering remote as well as immediate causes for the success of the phenomenon you choose.

6-Write an essay tracing a series of events in your life that constitutes a causal chain. Indicate clearly both the sequence of events and the causal connections among them, and be careful not to confuse coincidence with causality.
Due Sunday night at midnight via email attachment (WORD DOCS ONLY please).

The "Black Table" Is Still There

Please answer the following in fully explained responses:
  1. What is Graham's thesis?
  2. Are Graham's observations and experiences enough to substantiate his thesis? Explain.
  3. How does the personal background information Graham gives in paragraphs 2 and 12 affect your perception of the essay and about the author himself?
  4. What is Graham's purpose in writing the essay?
  5. Graham asks rhetorical questions throughout his essay-- identify one of them and then explain his intention in asking them (i.e.- the effect or consideration it's meant to cause for the reader).
  6. How does the use of first person affect your perception of the essay? Is it an effective choice? 
  7. Do you see this matter as being relevant today? Please provide an example and illustration to substantiate your opinion. (Note: this may be in regard to any group of people, not necessarily Blacks.)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Down and Out in Discount America

  1. What are Featherstone's most compelling arguments against Wal-Mart? 
  2. What do Wal-Mart shoppers and employees have in common? What, according to Featherstone, is the "tremendous debt Wal-Mart owes women?
  3. According to the author, why will boycotting Wal-Mart not work? What punitive strategy should be used instead?
  4. What is Featherstone's purpose in writing this essay? 
  5. Does Featherstone anticipate her audience to be friendly, hostile or neutral? What evidence in the text is there to support your opinion?
  6. What is Featherstone's thesis? Is it stated or implied?

Argument Essay

Please choose from any of the following writing assignments for your essay using the rhetorical form of argument:

  • Should high school students be required to recite the Pledge of Allegiance at the start of each school day?
  • Should college students be required to perform community service?
  • Should public school teachers be required to pass periodic competency tests?
  • Should the legal drinking age be raised or lowered?
  • Should states be required to educate the children of illegal immigrants?
If you feel strongly about another topic, you are encouraged to pursue it with my approval. 

Essay should be a minimum of 5-7 full paragraphs and should acknowledge at least one opposing argument and supply factual evidence when appropriate. Due this Saturday, December 4 at midnight via email. Mail as Word attachments ONLY please, as I will not be able to open other types of files.